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ΘΕΜΑ: Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09

Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 30/07/2013 06:53 #16

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maximos έγραψε:
Μ'αρέσουν......τα άλογα του.....χεχεχεχεχε

Τι να τα κάνεις τόσα πολλά; Δύσκολα τα ´´ ταίζεις ´´. Εμένα μου άρεσε πολύ το κοντέρ του και όχι μόνο..
Ζήσε μονάχα τη στιγμή και άσε το μετά,
ένα σωσίβιο είναι η ζωή, που ξεφουσκώνει αργά..
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 30/07/2013 12:49 #17

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Socrates έγραψε:
maximos έγραψε:
Μ'αρέσουν......τα άλογα του.....χεχεχεχεχε

Τι να τα κάνεις τόσα πολλά; Δύσκολα τα ´´ ταίζεις ´´.

Ας τα είχα...κ θα τα'χα να κοιμούνται Σωκράτη μου για να μη τα τα'ί'ζω....χεχεχε
Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel Can Fly!
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 30/07/2013 15:13 #18

  • gyiama
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σιγα ρε 115??? τι πολλα?αν εννοειτε 115 στο τμαξ τοτε οκ!!!!!
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 30/07/2013 18:21 #19

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Πολυ γυμνο για τα γουστα μου, αλλα ωραιο μηχανακι συνολικα.

Το θεμα ειναι οτι επιτελους η yamaha δινει επιλογες χαρτογραφησης.
Ας το περασει αυτο στο tmax και ας ειναι και λιγοτερα τα κυβικα.
Play and enjoy, you might die tomorrow.
Biking & computing.
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 02/10/2013 12:24 #20

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Testing the Yamaha MT-09 Race Blu - Japanese character

Finally! The Japanese realized that bikers love motorcycles character. With the MT-09, you take your grade with explosive sound engine and full of character. One could almost say that it is a japopéenne motorcycle.

A stop on the stand, in its sublime delivered Race Blue, MT-09 may seem high, the fault of the design of the chassis and steering well above the line of saddle. But after sitting on it, I had the pleasant surprise that despite my meter seventy-four, both feet are placed flat and my legs are even slightly bent.

The seat is comfortable and the bike seems to narrow between the legs. Even the greatest should be able to easily cram into the recesses of the tank. The handlebar is not too far away and all the controls fall naturally to hand. Compared to a Street Triple (his main rival is the drive), the seat is less tilted on the front, the body is more upright.

The panel shifted to the right lets see the road, we see almost what happens under the front tire. All information is available on the LCD screen, and although it is not large numbers are legible. To quibble, you might just regret that the bar tachometer are not a tad bigger.

Comes to give life to three feet and then we immediately remember that Yamaha also makes musical instruments. They worked on the acoustics in Japan! The "noise" is very nice, although the mean intake and exhaust lets out a sound a bit aggressive, but not excessive.

To recap, the MT-09 has three engine modes, the "B" is the one that tempers the heat of the engine, the "standard" is intended for everyday use, it is also one that is automatically selected at startup, and the "A" is the sport mode. The difference between the three is obvious!

Back on topic, rather then the horses that inhabit the three-cylinder MT-09. This is the standard mode I began this essay. It is perfect for facing the city. The bike responds to the demands of the manly right handle, but it knows how to be obedient and do not feel overwhelmed. With the seat quite right is far away and it is easy to find its place in the flow of traffic.

I applaud the way the gearbox is smooth and does not slam. Reports pass easily thanks to the race selector which is quite short. During the test, I never had to suffer a false neutral or misfed report jumps.

Finally, the space expands a little, "cage drivers" who were going to the malls are fewer and I can enjoy the chassis of the MT-09 on country roads. The bike swings easily from left to right, although helped by weight content and its center of gravity high enough. It seemed to me a little less stable on the angle that his English rival, less savvy on its suspension.

This is perhaps one of the few weaknesses of the MT-09. To provide this quality bike at a price more than content to call the MT base without ABS is CHF 9'790 -., It was necessary to save somewhere. The rear shock actually costs although it perfectly fulfills its job in most cases. In the attack, he seemed a bit feeble pumping excessively, hydraulics are not quite restrained. And as the only spring preload is adjustable, it will not be possible to adjust it. Nothing dramatic. However, the MT-09 allow you to leave behind many companions on a pass road.

The front on the other hand is satisfactory and is quite able to withstand the heavy braking. The fork is adjustable in spring preload and rebound on the right tube.

As against any engine! Once past the "A" mode, I had the impression that the horses had to have a new ration of oats as the engine pulls on the arm. Basically, from 3000 r / min, the engine takes no trouble to start shooting as soon as 5000 r / min and pull 1,000 r / min above. And nothing is too revving, plus the new bike was stiff, simply shift up to eight 9,000-r / min to enjoy again this frank push the middle of the tachometer.

To continue to confront the Street Triple, it feels very good additional 175cm3. Not in the extension of the engine because the powers are quite similar with the 106 horsepower and 115 for English Japopéenne. It is especially during the times that you realize the difference in torque. It is difficult not to play at every opportunity with the right grip as it is enjoyable to feel free push that accompanies taking turns.

It will, however, be careful when overshoot the corner. The engine provides high torque with the "A" mode a jump a little brutal accompanies the opening of the right grip. It disappears in "standard mode" or "B". It will be critical select it to run in the rain for fear of being found on the ground after an evasion of the rear wheel.

During my short test run, I also took confront the MT-09 to test the highway, which will certainly not be the destination of choice in the absence of protection. 120 km / h is not feeling too backwater, it is possible to ride without fatigue, purring 5,000 r / min engine. And if needed, just open the right handle to jump the bike forward and to overtake safely. For cons, I think that looks stronger your neck may take a hit and it will include a session with your favorite osteopath.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about the practical details. I found player Yamaha, it took me at least 5 minutes to find a way to open the seat to see if there was a storage space. In fact, the lock is hidden under a small flap that protects the splash, which is fine but you just need to know ... Once the saddle made, do not expect to be able to fit a combi rain. The amount offered is very limited.

After this short essay, I just had one question: why is it that Yamaha FZ range retains its catalog? The MT-09 is the shadow as well as the FZ8 FZ1! It is indeed cheaper than the FZ8 ABS is displayed CHF 11'990 -., And it offers more than FZ1 engine that it costs CHF 14'980 punch. -

Without great druid, it is not hard to predict a bright future for the MT-09 and hope that soon we present a Yamaha Fazer Version (equipped with a fork head) of the MT-09 to expand its scope action. I also dream of a sports car equipped with the new three-cylinder ... Go Yamaha sir, we continue to make bikes like that.

We liked:


We liked least :

-Rear shock
-A blow-transmission mode "A"
-Do not have more models with this engine

πηγή: acidmoto.ch/cms/content/essai/2013/09/29/essai-yamaha-mt-09-race-blu-japonaise-caractere?page=0,1
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Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 02/10/2013 13:12 #21

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Πολυ απλο μηχανακι η εμενα μου φαινετε? thinking
white-max 2010' #0004
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Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 02/10/2013 15:16 #22

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Σαν πρώτη εμφάνιση..θα'το'λεγα κ κινέζικο....γούστα είναι αυτά βέβαια...
Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel Can Fly!
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Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 02/10/2013 15:47 #23

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Ωραιο μηχανακι.Η μπλε ζαντες δε,θυμιζουν λιγο Aprilia Pegaso σε εκδοση street fighter.Περιμενα αισθητικα κατι περισσοτερο μιας και μιλαμε για μια στροφη στην ποιοτητα στα 3κυλινδρα απο την Yama.
Δεν σκοτωνεται οποιος οδηγει ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑ,αλλα οποιος σκεφτεται ΑΡΓΑ!
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 02/10/2013 16:31 #24

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Τωρα αυτο ειναι ωραιο δλδ?και τοσο καιρο μας επριζαν γι αυτο το καταπληκτικο μηχανακι???? οκκκκ dontspeak

υγ ωραιο μπροστινο αντε να βρουμε κανενα τροπετακι να το βαλουμε στο δικο μας!!! whistle
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 02/10/2013 16:33 από gyiama.
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Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 18/11/2013 12:23 #25

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Η αγριεμένη πλευρά της σκοτεινής MT-09 ακούει στο όνομα Street Rally.
Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel Can Fly!
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 18/11/2013 12:24 από maximos.
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Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 18/11/2013 12:31 #26

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Καλά δεν το κόβω να πουλάει που να βγαλουν και ΜΤ 09 enterprise έκδοση. Μπούρδα και χαρακτηριστκη φθηνοδουλεια η μηχανή.
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Yamaha - The dark side of Japan - ΜΤ-09 18/11/2013 17:16 #27

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Για την κατηγορια του μου αρεσει και για τα χρηματα του ειναι πολυ καλο. Δεν μου αρεσουν ολα τα χρωματα του αλλα για οπως ειπα και πριν σχεση χρηματα και επιδοσεις μου φαινεται πολυ καλη.
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