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ΘΕΜΑ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra

T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 00:56 #1

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Yamaha Τ-ΜΑΧ 530 ABS

ΤΙΜΗ: 11.650 ευρώ
ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ: Αλουμινένιο
ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΑΣ: Τετράχρονος, δικύλινδρος σε σειρά, υδρόψυκτος με ψεκασμό, 8βάλβιδος, 530cc
ΙΠΠΟΔΥΝΑΜΗ: 46,5 ίπποι στις 6.750 σ.α.λ
ΡΟΠΗ: 52,3 Nm στις 5.250 σ.α.λ.
ΑΝΑΡΤΗΣΗ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Τηλεσκοπικό πιρούνι διαμ. 43 χιλ., διαδρ. 120 χιλ./ Μονό αμορτισέρ διαδρ. 116 χιλ.
ΦΡΕΝΑ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Δύο δίσκοι 267 χιλ. με δαγκάνες 4 εμβόλων /Δίσκος 282 χιλ. με δαγκάνα 2 εμβόλων, με ABS
ΤΡΟΧΟΣ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: 15 ίντσες/15 ίντσες (ελαστικά 120/70 μπροστά, και 160/60 πίσω)
ΜΕΤΑΞΟΝΙΟ: 1.580 χιλ.
ΥΨΟΣ ΣΕΛΑΣ: 800 χιλ.
ΡΕΖΕΡΒΟΥΑΡ: 15 λίτρα
ΒΑΡΟΣ: 221 κιλά (πλήρες υγρών)

Aprilia SRV 850 ABS/ATC

ΤΙΜΗ: 10.470 €
ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ: Ατσάλινο σωληνωτό
ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΑΣ: Τετράχρονος, δικύλινδρος σε διάταξη V 90 μοιρών, υδρόψυκτος με ψεκασμό, 8βάλβιδος, 839cc
ΙΠΠΟΔΥΝΑΜΗ: 76 ίπποι στις 7.750 σ.α.λ
ΡΟΠΗ: 75 Nm στις 6.000 σ.α.λ.
ΑΝΑΡΤΗΣΗ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Τηλεσκοπικό πιρούνι διαμ. 41 χιλ., διαδρ. 122 χιλ./ Μονό αμορτισέρ διαδρ. 120 χιλ., ρυθμιζόμενη προφόρτιση ελατηρίου (7 θέσεις)
ΦΡΕΝΑ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Δύο δίσκοι 300 χιλ. με δαγκάνες 2 εμβόλων/Δίσκος 280 χιλ. με δαγκάνα 2 εμβόλων, με ABS
ΤΡΟΧΟΣ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: 16 ίντσες/15 ίντσες (ελαστικά 120/70 μπροστά, και 160/60 πίσω)
ΜΕΤΑΞΟΝΙΟ: 1.593 χιλ.
ΥΨΟΣ ΣΕΛΑΣ: 780 χιλ.
ΡΕΖΕΡΒΟΥΑΡ: 18,5 λίτρα
ΒΑΡΟΣ: 249 κιλά (στεγνό και χωρίς ABS)

BMW C 600 Sport

ΤΙΜΗ: 11.630 ευρώ + 980 ευρώ το πακέτο Highline (Led φώτα ημέρας, Led φλας, Θερμαινόμενα grips και θερμαινόμενη σέλα, ηλεκτρονική ένδειξη πίεσης ελαστικών)
ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ: Υβριδική κατασκευή. Ατσάλινο σωληνωτό χωροδικτύωμα με βιδωμένες αλουμινένιες πλάκες στα σημεία εδράσεων του ψαλιδιού και αλουμινένιο μονόμπρατσο ψαλίδι
ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΑΣ: Τετράχρονος, δικύλινδρος σε σειρά, υδρόψυκτος με ψεκασμό, 8βάλβιδος, 647cc
ΙΠΠΟΔΥΝΑΜΗ: 60 ίπποι στις 7.500 σ.α.λ
ΡΟΠΗ: 66 Nm στις 6.000 σ.α.λ.
ΑΝΑΡΤΗΣΗ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Ανάποδο πιρούνι, καλάμια διαμ. 40 χιλ., διαδρ. 115 χιλ./ Μονό αμορτισέρ, διαδρ. 115 χιλ.
ΦΡΕΝΑ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Δύο δίσκοι 270 χιλ. με δαγκάνες 2 εμβόλων/Δίσκος 270 χιλ. με δαγκάνα 2 εμβόλων, με ABS
ΤΡΟΧΟΣ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: 15 ίντσες/15 ίντσες (ελαστικά 120/70 μπροστά, και 160/60 πίσω)
ΜΕΤΑΞΟΝΙΟ: 1.591 χιλ.
ΥΨΟΣ ΣΕΛΑΣ: 810 χιλ.
ΡΕΖΕΡΒΟΥΑΡ: 16 λίτρα
ΒΑΡΟΣ: 248 κιλά (πλήρες υγρών)

Honda Integra

ΤΙΜΗ: 9.390 ευρώ
ΠΛΑΙΣΙΟ: Ατσάλινο σωληνωτό σε σχήμα διαμάντι
ΚΙΝΗΤΗΡΑΣ: Τετράχρονος, δικύλινδρος σε σειρά, υδρόψυκτος με ψεκασμό, 8βάλβιδος, 670cc
ΙΠΠΟΔΥΝΑΜΗ: 51 ίπποι στις 6.250 σ.α.λ
ΡΟΠΗ: 62 Nm στις 4.750 σ.α.λ.
ΑΝΑΡΤΗΣΗ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Τηλεσκοπικό πιρούνι διαμ. 41 χιλ., διαδρ. 120 χιλ./ Μονό αμορτισέρ με μοχλικό Pro Link, διαδρ. 120 χιλ.
ΦΡΕΝΑ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: Δίσκος 320 χιλ. με δαγκάνα 3 εμβόλων /Δίσκος 240 χιλ. με δαγκάνα 1 εμβόλου, με Combined ABS
ΤΡΟΧΟΣ ΜΠΡΟΣΤΑ / ΠΙΣΩ: 17 ίντσες/17 ίντσες (ελαστικά 120/70 μπροστά, και 160/60 πίσω)
ΜΕΤΑΞΟΝΙΟ: 1.525 χιλ.
ΥΨΟΣ ΣΕΛΑΣ: 790 χιλ.
ΡΕΖΕΡΒΟΥΑΡ: 14,1 λίτρα
ΒΑΡΟΣ: 238 κιλά (πλήρες υγρών)

Τελευταία διόρθωση: 03/09/2012 04:15 από kontor.
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Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 01:00 #2

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Η ώρα της αλήθειας: SRV, Integra, ΤΜΑΧ, C 600 Sport

Το μεγαλύτερο και καλύτερο περιοδικό μοτοσυκλέτας στην Ιταλία, και ένα από τα καλύτερα στην Ευρώπη, το φημισμένο Motociclismo, κατάφερε να κάνει πρώτο το μεγάλο συγκριτικό των σημαντικότερων maxi scooter μεγάλου κυβισμού, του 2012.

Το Aprilia SRV 850 ABS/ATC, το ΒΜW C 600 SPORT, το Honda Integra 700 και φυσικά το απόλυτο best seller στην ιταλική αγορά δίτροχων το Yamaha TMAX 530 μπήκαν στο μικροσκόπιο των έμπειρων δοκιμαστών του Motociclismo για τη σύγκριση που πολλοί περιμένουμε. Αφού πρώτα ταξίδεψαν, οδήγησαν με την ψυχή τους, άλλαξαν σκούτερ και σημειώσεις, κριτικές και παρατηρήσεις ανέπτυξαν τη συγκριτική δοκιμή σε ένα μεγάλο άρθρο, 17 σελίδων, στο τεύχος Σεπτεμβρίου που κυκλοφορεί.

Ας ρίξουμε μια ματιά στις μετρήσεις του περιοδικού:


(σε κιλά – χωρίς βενζίνη)

Aprilia SRV 850 ABS/ATC: 268,2

ΒΜW C 600 SPORT: 239,8

Honda Integra 700: 228,2

Yamaha TMAX 530: 211,6

Βαρύτερο είναι το SRV και ελαφρύτερο το ΤΜΑΧ


( σε ίππους/σ.α.λ – σε δυναμόμεντρο, στον τροχό)

Aprilia SRV 850 ABS/ATC: 54,02/7.400

ΒΜW C 600 SPORT: 48,01 /7.900

Honda Integra 700: 44,74/6.200

Yamaha TMAX 530: 38,18/6.400

Ισχυρότερο είναι το SRV και τη μικρότερη ιπποδύναμη έχει το ΤΜΑΧ


( σε δευτερόλεπτα, 0-400 μέτρα)

Aprilia SRV 850 ABS/ATC: 14,354

ΒΜW C 600 SPORT: 14,811

Honda Integra 700: 14,441

Yamaha TMAX 530
: 14,657

Ταχύτερο το SRV, πιο αργό από τα 4, το C 600


(σε χιλιόμετρα την ώρα)

Aprilia SRV 850 ABS/ATC: 191,1

ΒΜW C 600 SPORT: 178,9

Honda Integra 700: 165,6

Yamaha TMAX 530: 161,7

Μεγαλύτερη τελική το SRV, μικρότερη το ΤΜΑΧ

Μετά το ταξίδι οι 4 δοκιμαστές συμφώνησαν: “Το καλύτερο σκούτερ για τουρισμό είναι αυτό που θα έχει τους κραδασμούς του SRV 850, την κατανάλωση του Integra, την προστασία από τον αέρα του C600 και τη σέλα συνεπιβάτη του ΤΜΑΧ” Επίσης πρέπει να πούμε ότι στη σελίδα του περιοδικού στο Facebook οι τέσσερις δοκιμαστές ανέβαζαν διαρκώς post με τις εμπειρίες τους και αυτά που σημείωναν κατά τη διάρκεια της δοκιμής, τα οποία προσφέρουν πλήθος πληροφοριών. Παράλληλα το Motociclismo ανέβασε ένα βίντεο στο You Tube από τη μεγάλη δοκιμή. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στη διεύθυνση: www.motociclismo.it

πηγή: scooternet.gr/?p=16331
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 03/09/2012 01:01 από River.
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T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 08:22 #3

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Σαν το τμαχ Τίποτα άλλο το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.
Ευχαριστούμε Γιώργο για το άρθρο
Nothing but the max! Vachos #0001
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Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 08:32 #4

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vachos έγραψε:
το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.

ετοιμάσου! ...μες τη βδομάδα θα γίνει αυτό! ;)
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 15:50 #5

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Σαν το Integra . :) :) :)
Γιώργο είσαι κορυφή respect respect respect
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 03/09/2012 15:50 από gargy60.
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 17:37 #6

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και ένα τεστ από το γαλλικό "scooter-station.com":


μεταφρασμένο στα Αγγλικά (από google translate) για να διαβάζεται λίγο πιο εύκολα:

In 2012, the Yamaha TMAX 530 ABS is dethroned! At our first exclusive match between the C 600 Sport to the BMW, the King bowed to a tiny point. But as good as these two meet SRV 850 and Aprilia 700 Honda Integra? What is the best sport maxi scooter 2012? Feelings, actions, balance, everything is on scooter-station.com!

Regular readers of the first information site on the scooter, you observed last week that the BMW 600 C Sport won a small point match against the best-selling category Maxiscoot ', the Yamaha TMAX 530 (to read or reread). Given the level of equipment of the Bavarian sports scooter, but the difference in displacement between the two machines, we suspected a bit, but it has to recognize that Japanese is far from being completely dropped for the performance, on the contrary, while scoring big points also.
But in 2012, the BMW 600 Sport C is not the only threat to the "king" TMAX 530. Indeed, Aprilia lurks a Maxiscooter facies sport bike, the Aprilia 850 SRV, closely derived from the Gilera GP 800, but redesigned for fans gear racy. Finally, the last outsider, we see in the Honda Integra 700 scooter atypical hide her in. With its elegant plastic that orients a priori least on the side of pure sporting his typical motorcycle chassis, engine and transmission unprecedented in the segment (not to mention its placement price of the most interesting), the new Honda Maxiscooter not miss assets. So as good as these four new 2012 in terms of performance but the practical aspects dear to the category? What is the most agile and most maneuverable everyday? What is the most fuel-efficient? On the road, which one is better able to provide sensations you? Measuring instruments (scales, stopwatches, GPS, power bench) in support of our feelings on the handlebars, Scooter-Station puts the dishes in the large and exclusive offers this roundup of the best maxi scooter "sports" for you 2012 help decision time. We have always too much for you ... ;-)

Aprilia 850 ABS-ATC SRV: Controlled power

Since its launch in 2006, the big scooter Gilera never really worried the TMAX in sales hexagonal (several hundred per year against a few thousand for Japanese). Yes but now "the most powerful scooter in the world" is now down under the banner Aprilia "high tech". Thus, to master the 76 horses developed by its V-twin, the firm Noale advantage of his expertise in his motorcycle to offer swift craft equipped with ABS and ATC, the Aprilia Traction Control. So, the fact of that power finally mastered (on paper anyway), the Italian Maxiscooter less agreement impress novices and allow them to enjoy a very good agreement engine. To the extent that the scooter is the heaviest in this roundup, 2012, the SRV 850 is certainly not the fastest to take off, however it is he who offers the best of times and the best stretch (speed ).

The SRV 850 2012 aprilia like expressways

Still, the Aprilia 850 SRV has a non-standard template in the category. Although it enjoys one of the best turning radius of this comparative Maxiscooter 2012, it is far from the easiest to maneuver at low speeds, unlike the Yamaha TMAX 530, best cut the lot to face the city. The playground of the Aprilia focuses more on highways. There, that SRV 850 provides excellent protection, comfort and has proved a rigorous handling. Weight and therefore inertia of big block V-839.3 cm3 force, it is not the most natural curve to register or face, nor the most stringent in passing on the corner of a bump in fact, however, his big torque available from low revs is a treat to boost output of corners. Surprisingly, despite this abundance of power, the SRV 850 2012 is far from being the most greedy at the pump. After the Honda Integra 700, it was the most sober of this comparison.

The SRV 850 is hardly the most practical

Maxiscooter built for performance, the SRV 850 sins in terms of practicalities. Of course, as the T MAX 530, can accommodate a full face helmet in the saddle, but little else. There is the point where additional space, unlike the trunk of the maxi scooter Yamaha can still accommodate raingear and bug spray puncture. In addition, no storage is available in her apron, when even the Honda Integra is entitled to a small storage compartment. So hoist the SRV 859 on its center stand requires some training and it is the only one here not to be equipped with warning lights. But to please, the new upscale Aprilia scooter has a high standard of workmanship, finishing a very pleasant and a tariff of € 10 299 for this release electronically assisted ABS-ATC for the less attractive face productions BMW and Yamaha. But in terms of pricing, opposite the Honda, that's another story ...

the only one with traction control
manufacturing quality
sporting identity

carrying capacity

Aprilia 850 SRV ABS-ATC 2012, our measurements:

- Acceleration from 0 to 100 m (average of 3 timings): 6'65
- Times of 50 to 90 km / h (average of 3 timings): 2'95
- Times of 90 to 130 km / h (average of 3 timings): 4'52
- Turning radius: 3.66 m
- Consolidated trial average: 6.24 l/100 km
- Kerb weight: 280.2 kg (131.4 kg AV, AR 148.8 kg)
- Maximum speed: 185 km / h lap, 205 km / h on the clock

C 600 Sport BMW ABS: Anti TMAX from Berlin

After the C1, BMW comes on strong to mark his return to the scooter market! In his sights a Yamaha TMAX 530, the Bavarian manufacturer intends to upstage. For this, he first creates a device to sleek designs of the most exciting. The sporty design of the BMW 600 Sport C is indeed a success. However - and yet it is also where we expected the C 600 Sport - it has to recognize that the TMAX 530, 850 and Integra 700 SRV are best in quality workmanship, without unsightly plastic around their board edge or grainy texture in terms of their transmission housing. Also, with a saddle rising to 810 mm of soil, the C 600 Sport is least accessible to shorter riders on this comparison Maxiscooter 2012. BMW catches up however with a very well thought out ergonomics and a living space perfectly designed so that drivers are large gauge their ease.

The first 100 meters from a standing start

Surprisingly, if the premium scooter BMW disappoints in terms of finish, the C600 Sport catches up with its engine in full force. Performance and enjoyment offered by its twin parallel are indeed exceptional. So, who seek a real alternative to sports roadsters (motorcycle) on the segment of EPs, the C 600 Sport BMW is no shortage of arguments. Swift, his motor associated with its strong transmission (revisited since our first test), has not his equal in a fire catapult you to the next. This is indeed the "scoot béhème" with the fastest 100 meter standing start the comparison, but the Honda Integra the heels of that land. The typical motorcycle sound that emanates from its pot "cut short" delights us, but true fans of scooters prefer the mythical "brooom" the TMAX, or the sound produced by the sublime dual exhaust for the Aprilia 850 SRV .

BMW C600 ... Sports and practice

With its high-class chassis, the BMW sticks to the road at all times. Accurate, thorough in all areas, it offers real driving sensations, but requires some experience, however, for weight management, not really light you will agree (256 kg fully fueled on the scale Moto-Station). Brake fortunately, to master his passions, it has an ABS system quality, and there is also pleased to have a plethora of practical aspects to his handlebars. From this perspective, the C 600 Sport BMW remains a genuine scooter, with the best payload capacity of this comparison (off two full-face helmets are lodged in his chest under saddle), a manually adjustable bubble that protects very even at high speeds or an automatic parking brake connected to the side stand. Unsurprisingly, all this comes at a price: € 11 100 (without optional pack Highline), the highest rate in this comparison.

approval and engine performance
carrying capacity
manually adjustable windscreen


BMW 600 Sport ABS C, our measurements:

- Acceleration from 0 to 100 m (average of 3 timings): 6'55
- Times of 50 to 90 km / h (average of 3 timings): 3'21
- Times of 90 to 130 km / h (average of 3 timings): 5'33
- Turning radius: 3.65 m
- Consolidated trial average: 6.53 l/100 km
- Kerb weight: 256 kg (AV 125.6 kg - 130.4 kg AR)
- Maximum speed: 177 km / h lap, 180 km / h on the clock

Honda Integra 700 C-ABS: The best quality / price / performance

In 2012, Honda innovates (again)! Indeed, the Japanese manufacturer has a brand new maxi scooter away from our usual standards. With its 17-inch wheels, chassis typed bike, new engine 700 cm3 coupled to an automatic gearbox (double clutch, DCT) and final drive by chain, the machine does not lack originality. Nor elegant, moreover, with its forms "wise" but designed to provide protection on the front hardly objectionable. However, to climb on the saddle of the Integra, we must mount a strong prominent center tunnel, requires motorcycle frame. Also, if you feel a true seating comfort, you will soon feel cramped on the handlebars of the machine as space is limited on board. Inevitably, knees drivers over 1.80 m just curl up against the plastic deck. Floor, there is room for feet but we can not move their legs for "cruiser", something that can be played on three other maxi scooters of this confrontation.

"Sport" for performance or "Drive" for the ride

As for engines, Honda offers good! Certainly, the metallic sound of the Integra block 700 is disconcerting, its vibration at low speeds also like the fact that we perceive any gear. But in terms of performance, the twin-cylinder 670 cm3 wonders. Keyed to the "Sport", he wakes up quickly at startup and offers very good times at 50, 90 or 110 km / h, while being very reasonable gas mileage, the most sober of this comparative max 2012 sports scooter on the station. In addition, through its transmission unusual, we can also ride with more flexibility (and even less fuel) by selecting the mode "Drive". And given the fact that the Integra has a genuine motorcycle chassis (found elsewhere on the X Trail NC 700 and NC 700 S roadster), it is with confidence that we take these benefits first-class. And to slow his enthusiasm, note that here the Integra 700 has better braking, coupled with an ABS system (available at left lever) for the least reassuring.

Honda Integra 700, large qualities ... but small chest

But the Integra so beautiful made ​​on the dynamic is not the most versatile of our quadruplette maxiscooters. In town, the other three EPs with smaller wheels indeed prove handier than the Honda. Its comfort is not the best and with his topcase to ridiculous volume and minimalist storage compartment located in the deck, the carrying capacity of the Honda scooter is also the worst of the lot. Certainly, with an ultra-competitive sale price ("only" € 8490), we can afford him graft a top box, but what will happen then its road holding at high speed? This production Honda is therefore highly relevant in working order, but it ends up on the fringes of what is expected in this segment scooter as if it's just to take two wheels to sensations, number of bikes sold at this price already perform this function.

motor efficiency
chassis rigorous
ABS coupled
selling price

carrying capacity
firm comfort

Honda Integra 700 C-ABS, our measurements: [/ b]

- Acceleration from 0 to 100 m (average of 3 timings): 6'57
- Times of 50 to 90 km / h (average of 3 timings): 3'33
- Times of 90 to 130 km / h (average of 3 timings): 5'77
- Turning radius: 4.65 m
- Consolidated average test: 5.2 l/100 km
- Kerb weight: 239.2 kg (119 kg AV - AR 120.2 kg)
- Maximum speed: 169 km / h lap, 179 km / h on the clock

Yamaha TMAX 530 ABS: The sporting very sharp

Spread the word: in 2012, the spirit remains TMAX! Although it has the smallest engine here, that its competitors (BMW head) compete boldness on the aesthetic or innovative technical solutions (such as the Integra DCT), the new sports Maxiscooter logo stamped to the three tuning forks retains its legitimacy on a segment that has itself created. In the spirit of its predecessors, the new TMAX 530 has a catchy style, build quality pleasing (the best in the game) and is accessible and welcoming to the driver as his guest. On his handlebars, big or small jigs quickly take their brands and have a more instinctive ergonomics. The seat provides good comfort and protection is good regardless of the pace. Admittedly, unlike the C 600 Sport, the bubble is not manually adjustable, however, one can vary the height of three levels quickly, via a simple key-type BTR (Allen).

The Yamaha TMAX 530 is the most versatile

On this comparative Maxiscooter 2012, the best cut for all its majesty remains to TMAX. Light, bright, maneuverable, with a very good traction and a strong transmission, TMAX 530 shines with its versatility. At home in town to "switch" between center and periphery, the maxi Yamaha reveals its sporting potential road where we then fully exploits its engine thanks to its chassis easily lend open to criticism. Inevitably, with a smaller engine, it is less efficient than its competitors of the day, but it is not exceeded so far. Its actuation is impressive, his times and his convincing extends more than respectable. On the dynamic stability in the long straights is the advantage of T Max 530, then it is his agility that delights. Without asking any question, with him moving from a tight turn to another very easily and it is surprising even to take a lot of angles ... If it has become the smallest and least on paper that these swift rivals, the Yamaha T-Max 530 remains an equilibrium model still dangerous in the heat of the moment.

More practical than the Honda Integra and the Aprilia SRV

Second largest carrier in this comparison, the Yamaha TMAX 530 offers a safe for a full face helmet in the saddle, but other trinkets can be installed. Opening the front to back is a bit confusing and develop better ideas for easy loading, however, the restraint system by jack is very well done. As the BMW 600 Sport C, found on the TMax two storage spaces in the deck, but left empty-pocket does not allow to store any smartphone. Its facilities are still very good, but the fact remains that its tariff is still too high, especially in front of a scooter BMW for almost the same price, offers more in many areas.

Papermaking and Finishing
authorization engine


Yamaha TMAX 530 ABS, our measurements:

- Acceleration from 0 to 100 m (average of 3 timings): 6'84
- Times of 50 to 90 km / h (average of 3 timings): 4'08
- Times of 90 to 130 km / h (average of 3 timings): 5'96
- Turning radius: 4.00 m
- Consolidated trial average: 6.34 l/100 km
- Kerb weight: 221.6 kg (106.2 kg AV - AR 115.4 kg)
- Maximum speed: 168 km / h lap, 180 km / h on the clock

Reconciliation sport maxi scooter 2012: Very tight ...

You have certainly already discovered in our previous game against the BMW 600 Sport in C Yamaha TMAX 530, the scorecard revealed that the Bavarians won his scooter face to face only a small point ... The TMAX a better finish, its benefits are remarkable, but it is now exceeded in this area by the Maxiscooter the propeller. It also offers more practical aspects, important data on the scooter category. Behind these two sizes, the Aprilia 850 SRV ABS-ATC and C-700 Honda Integra ABS finish tied, but are very different. The Aprilia is powered by a boiler to feel and is comfortable and protective, however, he finds himself somewhat handicapped by its imposing size, its weight and lack of practicality. From this perspective, the Integra is even worse off, he also accuses of being inhospitable to the big guys, but he scored points consistently pricing, engine performance, braking or quality manufacture.

Maxiscooters sports: The ranking of testers Scooter-Station

Comparison maxi scooter 2012: Our subjective views!

Between these four EPs placed atop the scooter category, we had something to say vis-à-vis our feelings to their handlebars. Here's our verdict on these personal Aprilia ABS-ATC SRV 850, C 600 Sport ABS BMW, Honda Integra C-700 and Yamaha TMAX ABS 530 ABS.

Bertrand, photographer stations
Personal ranking: 1 - BMW, 2 - Yamaha, 3 - Honda, 4 - Aprilia

Of Maxiscoot to change with the big new BMW to compete, rather exciting even though I am not a "scooter addict." The BMW has a real aggressive mouth and everything about him breathes the sport. However as soon as one comes to the details, a real disappointment finish issue with misfires unworthy of the brand to the double helix: contactor, painting cardan arm, plastic. Kymco would he been there?
However, as soon as it starts, the perfs are there both in engine and chassis in the new TMAX does not compare, a real surprise! Too bad because for him, made in Japan finish is impeccable. Like Honda with its very original automatic transmission that will overwhelm the face of our three other variable maxi scoot true. But ergonomics with the knees in contact with empty pockets and storage space are ridiculous handicap despite the excellent chassis which makes it easy and safe.
As for the Aprilia, with its side "barge" or whale, then we take the limits of the exercise of the concept of excess maxi scoot. To "take a bullet" that would clearly be the best, but for the rest (agility in traffic jams ...), it is hopelessly behind.

David, director of stations
Personal ranking: 1 - BMW, 2 - Yamaha, 3 - Aprilia, 4 - Honda

It was inevitable that one day I try those weird bugs, which happen to be just the opposite of my practice of 2WD (I track racer!). Unsurprisingly, the drive is incredibly effective in town. No brainer, you accelerate, braking, and voila. The surprise is rather the capacity of the parties in cycles winding portions. Simply impressive! Overall, the BMW that collects my vote. Undemonstrative mechanical level, but able to remonstrate with many motorcycle chassis side. The TMAX can not really compete as a motor, but his aggressiveness is pleasant. I finally found just too scooter typed behavior, at least for me. The monster Aprilia, stability imperial blowing hard, but is too heavy. As for Honda, the auto box is very interesting and worth a look.

Christopher, chief of trials Moto-Station
Personal ranking: 1 - Yamaha, 2 - BMW 3 - Honda, 4 - Aprilia

For me, a Maxiscooter must be a concentrated sense of practicality, comfort and safety. This is the GT class that suits me best. Here among these athletes, I see emblematic of an alien: the C-700 Honda Integra ABS which has no storage and the acceleration of which is punctuated by the shifting that remains perceptible.
The C 600 BMW Sports motorcycle has a balance, an ABS leaving work the tires to the breaking point of their grip, remarkable rigidity, but it is too cumbersome ... the city seems less obvious to the handlebars . The Yamaha T-Max retains my favor: it is the best compromise for me between highway capacity and ease in town with a safe correct. And, in principle, it will age better. Finally, on the Aprilia 850, I put it last because of its performance of its unnecessary and inappropriate to gauge the city.

Mehdi, Red'chef
Personal ranking: 1 - BMW, 2 - Yamaha, 3 - Aprilia, 4 - Honda

Avid Maxiscooter this category, I admit I was particularly impressed by the performance of the scooter BMW and its behavior even pushed to the limits. Admittedly, some plastics finishing is poor, but this is not the most important to me. I appreciate his driving position, the seat on the throaty emanating from its pot, its flexible system boot (just great!) And biting his braking. The TMAX more agile then obtained my favor, but suddenly face velocity of Bavaria, I prefer the latter. The Aprilia is a booster of the most sensational, but it is really too heavy and in town, it is not as enjoyable to drive. I like the Honda Integra side engine, gearbox and rigor on the dynamics, but I am very tight on its seat.

The verdict of the engine test bench

Our measurements to the rear wheel - and not to the crankshaft, unlike the manufacturer data - we get the real power of our four maxiscooters. Note that in the measurement of the Yamaha TMAX, as in our face to face T-Max 500 vs TMAX 530, the measurement can be performed beyond 6000 rev / min (with a front wheel which rotates not, the Yam then goes into fault mode).
No surprises, the Aprilia 850 SRV in the lead with a power of 49.2 hp at 4669 r / min. Then there is the BMW 600 Sport C which has an output of 45.7 hp at 7617 r / min, then the Honda Integra 700 with an output of 42.7 hp at 6287 r / min and finally the Yamaha TMAX 530 and its 36.6 hp at 5403 r / min. Reading the curves reveals several information that confirms our feelings while riding these powerful scooters. First, it must recognize that each machine is a high linearity with the power delivery, the Honda Integra (blue) curve with the most regular and mechanical characteristic of a motorcycle. We also note that if the TMAX (in yellow) stands up to his opponents at low revs, it releases the pressure to 2500 rev / min (roll). C 600 Sport BMW and Aprilia have SRV curves finally very close, except at the end of beach where the engine of the Italian found renewed energy while that of German reaches its limits. As for torque measurement of our four opponents of the day, we find that the Aprilia, BMW and Yamaha delivers its maximum torque early on, then it tapers gradually. On the Honda, a ridge line is maintained at all speeds.
Τελευταία διόρθωση: 03/09/2012 17:42 από River.
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Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 17:57 #7

  • giannisfotopoulos
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River έγραψε:
vachos έγραψε:
το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.

ετοιμάσου! ...μες τη βδομάδα θα γίνει αυτό! ;)
Τι θα το φερουν για τεστ;
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 17:57 #8

  • River
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και έρχομαι κάπου εδώ εγώ και λέω:

μήπως ήρθε η ώρα κύριοι σχιστομάτηδες να ρίξετε στην αγορά ένα Τ-ΜΑΧ μεγαλύτερου κυβισμού???
γιατί καλή η ιστορία και το όνομα, καλό το κορυφαίο πλαίσιο αλουμινίου και η αποδεδειγμένη αξιοπιστία, αλλά εν έτη 2012 όπου ο ανταγωνισμός ξεκινά από τα 650cc, φτάνουν αυτά για να μείνει το Τ-ΜΑΧ στην κορυφή???
δεδομένου ότι το 90% του αγοραστικού κοινού του Τ-ΜΑΧ είναι "ανήσυχοι" αναβάτες, θεωρώ πως στα επόμενα χρόνια θα χάσουμε έδαφος λόγω χαμηλότερης, σε σχέση με τον ανταγωνισμό, απόδοσης σε συνδιασμό και με την υψηλότερη τιμή!
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:00 #9

  • giannisfotopoulos
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vachos έγραψε:
Σαν το τμαχ Τίποτα άλλο το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.
Ευχαριστούμε Γιώργο για το άρθρο
Αχ αν δεν παινεψεις το σπιτι σου....... το srv μην το οδηγησεις θα παθεις καταθλιψη.
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:04 #10

  • River
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GIANNHS1970 έγραψε:
River έγραψε:
vachos έγραψε:
το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.

ετοιμάσου! ...μες τη βδομάδα θα γίνει αυτό! ;)
Τι θα το φερουν για τεστ;

λέγαμε να πάμε να δούμε αν το έχει κάποιος από τους εμπόρους για test ride, Γιάννη ;)
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:05 #11

  • giannisfotopoulos
  • Το Άβαταρ του/της giannisfotopoulos
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  • Δημοσιεύσεις: 2125
River έγραψε:
και έρχομαι κάπου εδώ εγώ και λέω:

μήπως ήρθε η ώρα κύριοι σχιστομάτηδες να ρίξετε στην αγορά ένα Τ-ΜΑΧ μεγαλύτερου κυβισμού???
γιατί καλή η ιστορία και το όνομα, καλό το κορυφαίο πλαίσιο αλουμινίου και η αποδεδειγμένη αξιοπιστία, αλλά εν έτη 2012 όπου ο ανταγωνισμός ξεκινά από τα 650cc, φτάνουν αυτά για να μείνει το Τ-ΜΑΧ στην κορυφή???
δεδομένου ότι το 90% του αγοραστικού κοινού του Τ-ΜΑΧ είναι "ανήσυχοι" αναβάτες, θεωρώ πως στα επόμενα χρόνια θα χάσουμε έδαφος λόγω χαμηλότερης, σε σχέση με τον ανταγωνισμό, απόδοσης σε συνδιασμό και με την υψηλότερη τιμή!
Ωχχχχχ Γιωργο θα αναψεις φωτιες.παρτο πισω.
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:07 #12

  • giannisfotopoulos
  • Το Άβαταρ του/της giannisfotopoulos
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River έγραψε:
GIANNHS1970 έγραψε:
River έγραψε:
vachos έγραψε:
το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.

ετοιμάσου! ...μες τη βδομάδα θα γίνει αυτό! ;)
Τι θα το φερουν για τεστ;

λέγαμε να πάμε να δούμε αν το έχει κάποιος από τους εμπόρους για test ride, Γιάννη ;)
το τσεκαρα σημερα δεν το εχει κανεις.
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:08 #13

  • billpap46
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River έγραψε:
και έρχομαι κάπου εδώ εγώ και λέω:

μήπως ήρθε η ώρα κύριοι σχιστομάτηδες να ρίξετε στην αγορά ένα Τ-ΜΑΧ μεγαλύτερου κυβισμού???
γιατί καλή η ιστορία και το όνομα, καλό το κορυφαίο πλαίσιο αλουμινίου και η αποδεδειγμένη αξιοπιστία, αλλά εν έτη 2012 όπου ο ανταγωνισμός ξεκινά από τα 650cc, φτάνουν αυτά για να μείνει το Τ-ΜΑΧ στην κορυφή???
δεδομένου ότι το 90% του αγοραστικού κοινού του Τ-ΜΑΧ είναι "ανήσυχοι" αναβάτες, θεωρώ πως στα επόμενα χρόνια θα χάσουμε έδαφος λόγω χαμηλότερης, σε σχέση με τον ανταγωνισμό, απόδοσης σε συνδιασμό και με την υψηλότερη τιμή!
Ισχύει.. Δημιουργήσαμε την κατηγορία και θέλουμε την καρό σημαία μας πίσω..
Δεν σκοτωνεται οποιος οδηγει ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑ,αλλα οποιος σκεφτεται ΑΡΓΑ!
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:11 #14

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GIANNHS1970 έγραψε:
vachos έγραψε:
Σαν το τμαχ Τίποτα άλλο το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.
Ευχαριστούμε Γιώργο για το άρθρο
Αχ αν δεν παινεψεις το σπιτι σου....... το srv μην το οδηγησεις θα παθεις καταθλιψη.
εγω λεω την αληθεια και μονο την αληθεια !θα το κανω και μετα θα πω την αποψη μου
Nothing but the max! Vachos #0001
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.

Απ: T-MAX 530 vs SRV 850 vs C 600 Sport vs Integra 03/09/2012 18:13 #15

  • giannisfotopoulos
  • Το Άβαταρ του/της giannisfotopoulos
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vachos έγραψε:
GIANNHS1970 έγραψε:
vachos έγραψε:
Σαν το τμαχ Τίποτα άλλο το μόνο που δεν έχω οδήγηση είναι το srv αλλα θα πάω για τεστ drive κάποια στιγμη να δούμε τι λέει και Αυτο.
Ευχαριστούμε Γιώργο για το άρθρο
Αχ αν δεν παινεψεις το σπιτι σου....... το srv μην το οδηγησεις θα παθεις καταθλιψη.
εγω λεω την αληθεια και μονο την αληθεια !θα το κανω και μετα θα πω την αποψη μου
το ξερω φιλε μου σε πειραζω.
Πρέπει να είστε εγγεγραμμένο μέλος του Φόρουμ για να κάνετε μια δημοσίευση.
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